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"The 77th meeting of the Committee on Legal Affairs, Justice, and Human Rights" (15.09.2021) (30/9/2021)
"The meeting of the Ad-hoc Committee on the Order of the Head of National Council for Peace and Order Amendment Bill No.19/2560 Consideration, on the issue of regional area education reform of the Ministry of Education, dated 3 April 2017, B.E. …." (17.09.2021) (29/9/2021)
"The 63th meeting of the Committee on Judiciary, Independent Organs, State Attorney Organ, State Enterprises, Public Organizations, and Funds" (23.09.2021) (29/9/2021)
"The 1st meeting of the Ad-hoc Committee on Follow-up and Monitoring the Loan Spending in accordance with the Emergency Decree Authorising the Ministry of Finance to Raise Loans to Solve Problems, to Remedy and Restore the Economy and Society as Affected by the Coronavirus Disease Pandemic, B.E. 2563 (2020)" (15.09.2021) (28/9/2021)
"The 10th meeting of the Ad-hoc Committee on Studying and Solving Problems of Wild Elephants (via electronic meeting" (14.09.2021) (22/9/2021)
"The 22nd meeting of the year 2021 of the Coordinating Committee of the House of Representatives (Government Whip)" (13.09.2564) (15/9/2021)
"The meeting of the Ad-hoc Committee on the Study of Organizing the Electric Wires, Communication Cables and Inclusive Lighting Electricity Management" (9.09.2564) (15/9/2021)
The Secretariat of the House of Representatives achieved 2021 Integrity and Transparency Assessment (ITA) AA Level with the highest average score 97.46 (14/9/2021)
"Chairperson of the Committee on Labor, chaired the 53rd meeting of the Committee" (1.09.2021) (14/9/2021)
"The 70th meeting of the Committee on Agricultural Products Price Solution" (25.08.2021) (14/9/2021)
"The meeting of Committee on Communications, Telecommunications, and Digital Economy and Society via electronic meeting (Zoom application)" (6.09.2564) (10/9/2021)
"The 9 th meeting of the year 2021 of King Prajadhipok s Institute Council via electronic meeting (Zoom application)" (6.09.2564) (10/9/2021)
"The 58th meeting of the Committee on National Security, Border Affairs, National Strategy, and National Reform via electronic meeting" (1.09.2021) (8/9/2021)
"The President of the National Assembly made the video clip recording on the occasion of the Fifth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament (Ordinary Session) during 6th - 8 th September 2021, held in Vienna, theRepublic of Austria" (30.08.2021) (3/9/2021)
"The 2nd meeting of the Ad-hoc Committee on Witness Protection Bill, (No. ..) B.E. …. Consideration" (24.08.2021) (2/9/2021)
"The 6 th meeting of the Committee on Considering the Draft Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand Amendment (No. ..) B.E. …. (Amendment to Section 83 and Section 91)" (24.08.2021) (30/8/2021)
"The 68th meeting of the Committee on Legal Affairs, Justice, and Human Rights" (18.08.2021) (30/8/2021)
"The 1 st meeting of the year 2021 of Delegation of Thai Parliament attending the AIPA Committee on Economic Matters" (10.08.2021) (30/8/2021)
"Hon. Mr. Sayun Yutithum, Member of the House of Representatives of Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Palangpracharath Party, called for the governmental cares concerning the price decrease in agricultural crops prices" (27.07.2021) (30/8/2021)
"The 19 th meeting of the year 2021 of the Coordinating Committee of the House of Representatives (Government Whip)" (23.08.2021) (25/8/2021)

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Publication date 5 September 2016